July 29, 2006

A Classic Movie

I am a creature of habit. When I was single, saturdays were spent getting up early, hitting the gym, going home. cleaning and getting ready for my exciting weekend. I would start off by going to a movie either by myself, with friends or any of the students I mentored. Afterwards it was a very long dinner (either at my place or at a restaurant) where my friends and I would catch up with each other. Sometimes we'd follow up with going to a great cafe or doing something interesting like going to a concert, a club, bowling alley, lounge or pool hall. There are times when I really miss them & those wonderful times we had.

Even now, Saturdays is still all about movies. Now that I'm a single mom, I have no time to go out to the movies or do any of those things I used to do, so I do different fun things w/my son. Instead, the movies come to me via my widescreen tv & dvd. I look forward all week to Saturday night, so I can watch a good movie. My son and I have a ritual on Friday nights. Before going home, we pick up our take-out dinner and then go to the video store for each of us to get a movie. I love the classics, and now he's getting to the age where he can appreciate the G rated ones too. So we've watched a few together that he really likes and has seen a few times with me.

So it was no surprise to me when I took this quiz and got the results below.

What Classic Movie Are You?
personality tests by similarminds.com

This is oh, so true! BTW, I'm a huge Frank Capra fan and have seen almost all his movies. Hat tip to Windypundit!

Posted by Michele at July 29, 2006 03:57 AM | TrackBack