July 28, 2005

Blogging Tips for Newbies / Beginners

[Michele sent this to me a few weeks ago when she was trying to lure me to be a guest blogger at her site. I've posted these tips here for 2 reasons: they've helped me; and so far, I haven't found anything comparable on the web. Plus, I found them to be full of interesting innuendos. I must say, I found them to be hot blogging tips indeed!]

Colin, if you can master these simple steps as you begin, then you’re well on your way to blog heaven, where you get into a mode where it’s love and nothing but love of blogging. In considering you as I write this, I can safely say it will perhaps be the best relationship you’ll ever have because it will be: on your terms, under your control, and at the level of passion and intensity that depends solely on your effort and level of enthusiasm. The reader just has to sit there, and whether they yawn or not depends on your style and content, which is another matter entirely.

1. The title’s the thing – its your hook – whether you come up with it first, last or in the middle, the key thing about the title is that you entice or seduce your reader into lingering on the page, without fully revealing your position or opinion on something or the outcome of the post. Titles that are Humorous, Mysterious and Witty are surefire hooks.

2. KISS - Observe the Keep it Simple (Sweetie or Stupid) principle when blogging – meaning if you’re struggling in writing the thing it means you’re trying too hard or you haven’t found your angle yet. Relax, let go of the urgency and instead do something else. Maybe write about something totally different. What you’ll find when you return to the post, is that the thread will come easily to you.

3. Do it regularly – your readers will come to expect reading you based on the frequency you’ve demonstrated in writing/posting. If you do it regularly they'll visit you regularly. To maintain your readership maintain good communication. Don’t disappoint. If you need to take a break or go somewhere for an extended length of time let them know by posting it.

4. Does size matter? It doesn’t to me! Now get your mind out of the gutter and pay attention. In terms of post length what matters are 2 things: have you made your point and have you made it well. Here’s an analogy I think you’ll definitely relate to, and remember when considering whether you’ve written enough: “The length should be just like a girl’s skirt; long enough to cover the subject and short enough to keep it interesting.” Also, if you think that you're rambling there's a 90% chance that you are, so go back and pare it down. It's better to be short and sweet than long and boring!

5. Intercourse – of the verbal kind. If you’re writing just for yourself that’s fine, but knowing the attention whore you are, I know you’ll be looking for comments all day long. Here’s a good rule of thumb for comments: You have to give them in order to get them. If you venture out from this little world to those on the side bar, in particular the links to my blog family, not only will you find that you have much in common with them, but you’ll also enjoy their writing. You should visit one in particular, my blog dad Harvey of Bad Example, I think you’ll enjoy him since you have similar interests: boobs and derrieres. He also has lots of tips on blogging on his left sidebar.

Finally, to ensure you don’t commit any major faux pas and have your digital rear end banned from a site, I have included a link to Caffeinated Bliss' Top 12 Cardinal Sins of Blogging. If you want to succeed at blogging, then observe them. Remember, those who live by the sword die by the sword, so observe the same commenting ettiquette you would at a dinner party or social gathering, what you wouldn't do there you shouldn't do here.

If you by chance forget and commit a cardinal sin, don’t worry someone at some point will let you know. The good thing about someone pointing out your mistakes is that you tend not to do them again. Instead you’ll make different ones and in the process you'll grow as a blogger.

If you think you can handle these then you’re on your way to being a successful blogger. In order to find out what that is you have to start blogging. So what are you waiting for, get to it!

Posted by 1Colin at July 28, 2005 12:27 AM | TrackBack

Actually, they're on my RIGHT sidebar :-)

Posted by: Harvey at July 30, 2005 12:57 PM