October 27, 2005

The US & Israel "Must Be Wiped Out”

Statements like these from Iran's Interior Ministry, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad don't surprise me in the least. Does it surprise you?

This didn't surprise because they have disregarded all nuclear proliferation regulations and rejected repeated EU & UN requests for meetings to negotiate their proliferation. As per their Minister it is Iran's way of showing the western world and their Asian neighbors to the East they are a true islamic fundamentalist regime that the world will have to reckon with sooner or later (their statements not mine).

So it also not surprising to me that they are harboring 25 top Al Qaeda operatives and Bin Laden's sons? Is it surprising to you?

Posted by Michele at October 27, 2005 01:25 PM | TrackBack

when you have a little kid jump up on your lap and you think you're gonna be all helpful and take his requests for xmas gifts and, instead, all he does is piss all over your pants, nothing will ever surprise you again.'

so, no, i aint surprised at all...

heh heh heh

Posted by: SantaHelpful at October 28, 2005 12:24 AM

I dunno, Santa. I think Ahmadinejad is gonna shoot his eye out...

In all seriousness, I'm not surprised. It's par for the course. No doubt the EUnuchs will show their spines by expressing dismay and considering sanctions. A harsh response, but one must keep up appearances.

Posted by: zonker at October 28, 2005 10:32 AM