October 13, 2005

It's a Beautiful Day!

Just had to blog because its such a great morning! Theres a steady heayv rain falling since Friday that had made everything that's green wet and lush. I love the rain almost as much as I love music. Because it's been raining so heavy lately the scent from the river, which is at high tide, is reaching farther inland than usual and the scent is magnificent. The river scent is so strong I almost feel like if I turn the corner I'll see the buoys a block away.

Anyway, I wanted to take this opportunity to thank all of you who have stopped by and left comments. I also want to say thanks to those of you who have sent supportive emails and and text messages. And finally, to the select group of you who have called, thank you for making my day. You guys are ALL awesome!

Today, while sitting in a staff meeting I was being assigned some long term projects. Well, unfortunately I had to inform the staff (in vague and general terms) that I might not be there past mid November. The silence after the gasp of shock and awe was deafening. I said nothing beyond that and let it all sink in. After a minute or so one of the senior staff said, "well, we'll see about that" and moved on.

After the meeting he came over and said to me, "I'll be damned if I let someone of your skill level and professionalism and whose made such an incredible impact on this Dept. in just 2 months, go elsewhere".

I told him I appreciated his confidence in me, but had to remind him that a probationary period is a two-way street. Personally, I love working in the dept. and I loved the work I did. I say did because right now I'm relegated to a step just above a copy girl instead of doing analysis work. No one can believe it. They all keep saying: "Oh My God, this has got to stop. Why does she hate you so much?"

My inner thought is: don't know, don't care, it's time to move on to a healthier envirnoment. But I must make a mental note, the next time I interview somewhere I'm going to ask how many people have been in the position that is being offered in the past 3 years. Unfortunately, I just learned that in my position there have been 9 people. YES 9, and I have the distinction of being the only one demoted first, and not fired outright, and who has lasted as long as 2 months. Sigh, yep, they lied to me during the interview.

So, here I am today, reaping some rewards from the conference I helped organize that will be taking place in Beijing and at the same time licking deep wounds from a totally unnecessary and unprofessional flogging I received earlier this week. Still, you guys and my son have made the whole process easier and kept it all in perspective for me. So for today... as Bono says: It's a beautiful day!

Posted by Michele at October 13, 2005 12:23 PM | TrackBack

Even though you don't say it, it has to feel good to have someoen there not only recognize the work you do, but to appreciate it.

Your company may need to look into what is going on in your position to have that many people pass through it in the last year.

Posted by: Contagion at October 13, 2005 12:47 PM

I agree with Contagion. Perhaps its the person at the top that has to go this time! Hang in there, it is a beautiful day.

Posted by: oddybobo at October 13, 2005 01:09 PM

I know you're still hurting from the unnecessary crap that your boss pulled on you but I believe you'll come out on top. And even stronger. That's just the kind of person you are!

Posted by: zonker at October 13, 2005 03:50 PM

Hope things continue to work out for you.

Posted by: vw bug at October 13, 2005 04:44 PM

I think when/if you leave... this will not be the end. I think you made such an impact, that your leaving will have more of an effect than those others before you.

Sometimes someone has to stand up and say, 'Stop the madness!" Perhaps what has happened to you and your actions as a result will make someone grow some cajones and finally take a stand.

It could happen.

Posted by: Bou at October 13, 2005 05:06 PM

Ooooh, that worked well!

Hey, wanna go swimming? :)

Posted by: _Jon at October 13, 2005 07:47 PM

thanks for quoting me!!

here's some other things ive said:

"dont eat the yellow snow"

"spring only comes once a year"

"a bird in the hand is worth seventeen dollars according to the latest exchange rates"

"it's always darkest before it's lightest"

"its always more shadowy before it's pastel"

"tomorrow's a beautiful day too!!'

"why put off today what you can put off tomorrow"

"today is the first day of the rest of my massive royalty checks"

see you all on the next tour!!

Posted by: bono at October 13, 2005 08:43 PM

Well I would say that unless your boss goes - you are very smart to use the probationary period to get out. Working for that kind of person will only get worse - as I know you know.

At least you know of one person (maybe more) from this job who will give you good references. I am so sorry this job isn't working out and I'm praying that an even better job will come your way.

Posted by: Teresa at October 14, 2005 11:42 PM

Michele, if your little discussion with the senior staff member was half as well-phrased as I suspect it was, I bet a certain other analyst will soon find herself under a microscope. It's such a pity that the higher-up some people get, the more mature your average kindergartner seems by comparison ("Professional" my fat, balding ass!) Fortunately, a company with a good corporate environment frequently finds ways to weed out those who don't deserve their jobs. The only thing that has me concerned about your corporate environment is that no one seems to have twigged on the fact they can't keep a warm body in your job slot--nine people, turning over fairly quickly, should have raised a red flag *somewhere* higher up.

The more and more I read your blog, though, the more I'm convinced that should you find yourself handed a pink slip, the more I'm convinced you'll find a better job quickly. And I'm also more convinced I don't want to play p0ker against you :~)

Posted by: Victor at October 17, 2005 08:25 AM