May 31, 2005

Deep Throat's identitiy revealed!

The Washington Post has just identified, and Woodward and Bernstein have confirmed, that W. Mark Felt, a former number-two official at the FBI, was "Deep Throat.

I wonder if Nixon is turning over or groaning? I never would have guessed it was Felt. I wonder in today's world, how long that secret would have lasted.

Posted by Michele at May 31, 2005 07:04 PM

since revealing secrets seems to be the theme of the day, i'd like to reveal mine...

im the guy who invented the boobie squishing machine you referenced in the previous post.

but i'm not a sadist, i promise. originally, it was supposed to be a boobie squeezing machine, not a boobie squishing machine. it was designed to be a replacement for those nights when my hands were tired and my girlfriend wanted a little squeezing anyways.

then, in a series of events which i still dont understand, the government got ahold of the prototype and before you could say stiff nipples, the originally pure concept of the machine had been corrupted and, well, you've experienced the result.

if only i had destroyed the prototype back when i had the chance....

Posted by: mr. helpful at June 3, 2005 01:46 AM