October 04, 2004


Yes, Lady Liberty wants you to register to vote or update your registration, if you haven't done so already. The deadline in some last few states is this week. For New York, it's October 6th.

If you haven't registered then you can still do so from the comfort of you're own home [and in your jammies if you prefer]. Just stop by the League of Women Voter's website. Simply follow the instructions and make sure you print and mail it by your state's deadline.

The representatives from the democratic party were all over New York City this past weekend. There were so many Kerry buttons around I was afraid I had stumbled onto a Kerry Convention. Almost hourly I was asked by someone if I wanted to register to vote. All were wearing Kerry propaganda items, I felt like a fish out of water, struggling for air. You should hear the fear they were putting in people's head's with their horrific statements. "If Bush gets into office again we'll have the beginning of WW3." I wanted to vomit when I heard that one!

BTW, how come no one is writing or speculating about the stolen laptops from Bush's campaign headquarters? Nothing else was stolen. Hmmmm, is this the start of Laptop Gate or Affair?

Posted by Michele at October 4, 2004 05:00 PM

I just checked to make sure everything was high and tight for my change of address and voters registration. I'm locked and loaded - but a great reminder.

I'll give you huge brownie points for hanging on to your temper with all that BS floating around up there. You are a classy lady - I need to sit at your feet and learn from you. I'm a bit too redneck at times.

As for the stolen laptops - I've been wondering the same thing. It's hard to find too much out there about it. Kind of surprising.

Posted by: Tammi at October 4, 2004 08:51 PM

"If Bush gets into office again we'll have the beginning of WW3."

Beginning? It's been on for over 3 years now.

Posted by: Harvey at October 5, 2004 01:21 PM