September 12, 2004

Nazis and Islamists - An Unholy Alliance

I was one of those children that always loved to stay up and listen to adults discuss the news of the day. Since we didn't have a tv set (my parents were against owning one) my sole entertainment were the political discussions my parents, grandparents and our elderly Jewish neighbors had from time to time.

It was from them that I learned about the Geopolitical factors that led to WWII. But of all the historical stories they told me, there was one that I just couldn't believe. Who could believe that Muslims would join hands with Nazi's in an unholy alliance to eradicate Jews from the world?

Well, that story was so fantastic, even to such a young kid like myself, that I chalked it off as simply an exaggeration of the very elderly, or that our neighbors, because of their advanced age, remembered things wrong.

That was what I believed until today. Then, I stopped over at NetWar and to my astonishment, I came across a post on this topic. NetWar’s author, J. A. Herveda, not only gives a background on this alliance, he also provides some historical data along with a few pictures.

I was not only stunned, I had goose bumps from realizing two things: (a) that the single thing my neighbor talked about most often was true, and (b) Muslims have additional reasons to want us dead, hence the inflammatory coverage on Al-Jezeera and the silent and behind the scenes complicity of other Arab nations in supporting the insurgents in Iraq.

For the first time I see to what length they will go to, to eliminate Jews from the face of the earth. They will make friends with their enemies enemy, albeit temporarily, just so they can achieve their ends. As Israel's ally, we are just as hated. Now I realize, that the WTC Towers were Bin Laden's portable crematorium.

Now I understand the context in which Bush said “this is a war we can’t win.” I’m relieved that at least they’re going to try.

Please read this amazing post, which serves as excellent lesson in history.

UPDATE: I've received 5 emails questioning the veracity of this information. Please know that I never post anything unless I fact check it first through reliable sources(unlike CBS), and it can be easily and publicly confirmed by a regular reader.

There are a multitude of books on this subject in English, French, German and Spanish. There's also a number of sites which the author of NetWar used. Please note, if you use the following key phrases at or google you will get links to books, quotes and sites with information that confirm's NetWar's post.

a) "Waffen SS Handschar Division"
b) "Turkestani Legion"
c) "Caucasian Mohammedan Legion"

I'm glad you emailed to question this post, because it tells me that you're not accepting anything you read as gospel truth!

UPDATE: Comments closed due to abusive language being posted.

Posted by Michele at September 12, 2004 09:21 PM

Oh my goodness, Michele! I have never read or heard anything about this....

Incredible post and thanks for the link. I am going to do some more investigating.

Posted by: Rae at September 13, 2004 11:33 AM

I had no idea.

I will say that when Lieberman was Gore's running mate there was a lot of discussion in this house. Many of our friends down her are Jewish. I liked Lieberman and if he had been the one running, and not Gore, I would have had to give some serious thought as to who was getting my vote. But I did tell my husband, "the Muslim's will have a fit if we have a Jewish President. That in itself would start a whole big World War." I still believe it. Their intense extremist hatred... scary... like the Nazis.

Posted by: Boudicca at September 14, 2004 08:58 AM