August 31, 2004

NYC Braces for Violence

This morning, I quickly discovered that my ability to move about freely and the brief sense of peace I enjoyed in the last 24hrs, were gone. They left me as soon as I had the train station in sight. At the station there was a visible police presence, which to date had not been seen or felt on this side of the river (Queens). As I sat in a near empty train, I checked the paper for the list of protests scheduled for today, I spotted nothing unusual. All the organizers are legitimate, nonviolent groups, so I just made a mental note of where they would be to make sure that I avoided those areas. I thought that was all I needed to do in order to stay safe. As w approached the Frozen Zone, my thinking changed with the ever increasing numbers of police at each station.

As I emerged from the subway, and stood just outstide the perimeter of the Frozen Zone this morning, I was met with a scene I have never experienced in my life. I felt like a misplaced civilian that suddenly found herself amidst half of a battalion of soldiers.

Although I have high regard and great respect for our military; as a civilian, it is a scene I hope never to see again in my lifetime. What this heavy military and police presence means to this experienced New Yorker is that something is about to happen.

The Police and Guardsmen, having their battle gear and game face on, didn't look or feel as approachable as in days past. So I didn’t ask the “what’s going on” question that most New Yorkers would normally ask. Instead I lingered by a group of officers, pretending to look for something in my purse. That’s when I overheard one of the officers say "the word is out, Black Bloc is planning an action today". I shuddered when I heard their name.

You don’t know who they are? Well, a quick google search will tell you that this is the same group behind all the violence in every major IMF/World Bank, and Economic Forum meeting. They arrived in NYC just in time to mar Sunday’s demonstration with violent action, which caused injuries to innocent protestors and cops by burning a huge paper mache dragon, throwing smoke bombs, and releasing hundreds of ball bearings.

When I was involved in national student politics, there was only 1 group that gave fear to organizers, due to their level of violence - Black Bloc. Essentially, they hijack or plan “actions” against major corporate institutions domestically and internationally, which always result in injuries and major property damage. As stated on their Call to Action of their most recent website, (which stands for August 31), they plan to:

“occupy the areas around the buildings of war profiteers and the corporations that have hijacked our air, water, land, pensions and voice. We¹ll converge around Madison Square Garden, the site of the Republican National Convention, sit down and refuse to move. And from our clear NO will emerge a constellation of YESES: YES to democracy, YES to justice”

“We'll transform the streets of NYC into stages of resistance and forums for debate. We'll draw our examples and inspiration from the brave shapers of history who came before us‹those who put their bodies on the line to gain the vote, win independence, end apartheid. We¹ll harness the spirit that puts our city at the center of the world: creativity, ingenuity, social conscience, grit. We¹ll show the world what real democracy looks like.”

"On August 31, 2004, we will begin to forge a new kind of story. Anything is possible. We will shape history. The only limit is the boundary of our collective imagination."

Well, at least New Yorkers enjoyed 24 hours worth of peace. I will write more later on today if anything develops.


Noon: So far a total of 36 arrests before noon. The worst offenders were:
"Fourteen people were detained near Wall Street for blocking traffic at 8 a.m. Another six protesters were arrested for wearing masks in a Harlem subway station, authorities said. More than 500 people have been arrested in convention-related protest activity since late last week" - NY Daily News Online

Midday: I'm getting reports, from calling people I know around Manhattan, that there are people walking around with signs as if in search of a march. They are truly out of place, but what stands out most are their vulgar signs. One I came across may give you an idea of the visual environment we must tolerate under the guise of the 1st Ammendment. It read: Practice Abstinance, No Bush, No Dick.

Late Afternoon: Convention related protests have netted an additional 300 arrests, and the day is still young. One tense moment for the Secret Service occurred last night when a "21-year-old Yale student ...entered Vice President Dick Cheney’s booth at the convention, coming within 10 feet of him and shouting anti-war and anti-Bush statements. Cheney was never in any danger, and no weapon was found on the man." - NY Daily News Online

Posted by Michele at August 31, 2004 10:54 AM

Funny thing is that the city is so big that there are parts where you don't even notice that the convention is happening. Well, until you see that the national guard is carrying automatic weapons in Grand Central Station.

Posted by: RP at August 31, 2004 04:18 PM

That is surreal. I cannot even comprehend.

Posted by: Boudicca at August 31, 2004 10:29 PM

From what I'm hearing the Black Bloc are making their presence known.

I just don't understand that thought process. I never will.

PLEASE be careful.

Posted by: Tammi at September 1, 2004 12:04 AM