August 16, 2004

Can Bloggers really make a difference?

For those of you, who like me, love Florida, knows someone living there. or have family living there, they are in great need of assistance.

Having lived in the caribbean, and knowing first hand the devastation to the environment and to one's life that occurs from a hurricane, I'd like to use this forum to ask that you consider donating to the American Red Cross, so Floridians can receive immediate assistance in an organized and effective manner.

You've not seen much coverage in the news about the devastation, as the McGreevey affair, the Olympics and the Najaf Offensive are all competing with Florida for space in the headlines.

If you want to see/know more about what's going on there, please visit the Orlando Sentinel or the St. Petersburg Times websites. Walk a mile in their shoes and consider how you might be able to help. As one Arcadia resident said (who is now homeless): "this is a loss of enormous proportions, it helps to know that there are people that care and want to help.

Update: Boudicca of Boudicca's Voice has a listing of local, legitimate Florida charities that are currently providing relief and accepting donations from citizens who wish to assist in the relief efforts.

Via Sgt. Hook, is a link to the Command Post's efforts in helping Floridians more directly by organizing bloggers across the web. If you're a blogger or a websurfer, interested in joining the efforts across the digital landscape, or you simply wish to make a more localized impact, go to Strengthen The Good. There you will see how bloggers are getting organized and directing readers and other bloggers efforts, in finding local Florida charities, or by spreading the word. I've already reached out to help, I hope you do too.

Let's show the world we CAN make a difference!


Posted by Michele at August 16, 2004 08:50 PM

It's been 1 week and 2 days and it is truly amazing how people have pulled together. At my Publix (supermarket), there is a sign saying they are collecting monetary donations and they have already send 20 loaded trailers of food over there. Twenty. And that was posted by day 7. The outpouring is amazing. The Treasure Coast food bank was out collecting via many radio stations on Friday. All our radio stations are doing something and ALL OF US are donating one way or another.

Posted by: Boudicca at August 22, 2004 11:41 AM